Robotic process automation has been a hot topic across industries for the past few years. However, most conversations have focused on what RPA is and not what RPA can do. The practical applications of robotic process automation are varied and vast, spanning not just departments, but entire industries. From finance to HR to admin to government, RPA has more applications and benefits than this blog can reasonably cover. Let’s take a quick look at some game changing RPA applications:
As a rules-based process that often involves dealing with different file types and moving between systems, invoicing is a prime candidate for automation. By engaging software robots to perform invoicing functions, customers will receive their invoices more quickly and employees in HR and finance departments will have more time to devote to their other tasks.
Payroll automation is a godsend to HR employees everywhere. Applying RPA to payroll frees them from poring over extensive spreadsheets and writing out checks by hand. Overtime pay, bonuses, and wage deductions can all be calculated automatically, and paychecks can be delivered electronically via direct deposit. Payroll automation is ultimately more convenient and efficient not only for HR and finance workers, but for all paid staff who can now receive their income seamlessly.
Accounting and finance departments will find that RPA can be incredibly well-utilized at their intersection. Bots can be used to automate payment processing, whether those payments are incoming or outgoing. This means automating accounts payable and accounts receivable workflows to eliminate tedious busywork.
Software Installations
Because bots can move seamlessly between programs and systems, they can automate software installations, migrations, and updates. The administrative support staff or IT workers who would typically have to sit and wait while the software downloads until they need to click the next “OK” button are freed to focus on their other work. Software installations and updates can occur entirely in the background without any employee involvement.
Onboarding Customers and Employees
Onboarding, be it for new employees or new clients, is a critical function because it shows new people what working with your organization is going to be like. With RPA, you can automate virtually every aspect of the onboarding process, from welcome emails to paperwork to orientation. With automated onboarding, the risk of human error is all but eliminated, the onboarding timeline is shortened without the process being abbreviated, and everyone is offered a consistent experience.
Across industries, the automation of any of these workflows has unique benefits. RPA, when instituted in government agencies, allows for a more efficient processing of forms which is a better use of taxpayer dollars. In the world of financial services, RPA means easy adherence to compliance codes. For human resources, RPA provides the breathing room necessary to best serve and support employees in all departments.
If you’re interested in learning more about RPA and what it could do for your organization, contact our team of digitization experts today for a free consultation.