Robotic process automation (RPA) is the utilization of software robots that have been programmed to complete tedious digital tasks that would otherwise have to be performed manually by a human worker. Many different companies across a variety of industries have determined that RPA would be an asset to their business. Consequently, they’ve all begun to invest in the programming and maintenance of bots for the purpose of automation.
Would RPA be an asset to your business? Here are four considerations that will help you answer that question.
Work Process Relevance
There are dozens—if not hundreds—of possible applications for RPA. However, not every business can reasonably make use of those applications, at least in sufficient volumes. Catalog the tasks you’d be automating; how frequently they need to be performed; how long it takes for them to be completed manually; and how much it costs you to complete them manually. From there, you can perform a cost-benefit analysis that lets you know whether your business has reached a point where RPA would be a good investment.
Cost Savings Analysis
Another way to determine whether robotic process automation is right for your organization is to consider long-term cost savings. Bots are relatively inexpensive, particularly as compared to human workers, with only initial setup costs and an annual maintenance fee to worry about. Determine what figure you’d need to see in savings to consider RPA worthwhile, then do the math. Will RPA save you enough money?
Workload Relief
In the current market, we’re facing a massive labor shortage while companies are struggling to retain what few workers they do have. Everyone has holes to plug and gaps to bridge. With RPA automating tasks, your employees will have a decreased workload. For companies with insufficient staff to perform all necessary functions, this makes robotic process automation incredibly enticing. Does your business have sufficient manpower to operate as it should? If not, RPA could be the workaround you’re looking for.

Employee Attrition Reduction
Another metric to consider in your evaluation of RPA is its potential impact on employee satisfaction. This goes hand in hand with the prior point about labor shortages. Many employees are feeling overworked and burnt out. Lightening their load could entice your employees to stay with your company. Beyond that, automating time-consuming tasks could mitigate the amount of frustration their job duties cause them. So, how would your employees be affected by the institution of robotic process automation?
If RPA is widely applicable to your work, benefits your employees, and is compatible with your budget, then odds are it’s right for you.
Scan-Optics is a leader in the field of digitization with experience implementing robotic process automation and other digitization solutions for clients like the YMCA, Pepsico, and the State of Connecticut. If you’re ready to get started instituting RPA today, get in touch with our team of digital transformation experts today.