Bits and Bytes

Document Conversion Services Can Save You Time and Reduce Errors

Written by Scan-Optics | Apr 26, 2023 4:17:00 PM

Document Conversion is a complex task that requires expertise. Managing it in-house can lead to various challenges, wasting both time and resources. These issues go beyond inconvenience; they can introduce errors that affect your documents, disrupt important metrics, require time-consuming fixes, and more. Even a single mistake can have far-reaching consequences, causing significant disruptions and time loss.

The consequences can be financial, too. Companies have a bottom-line incentive to save time and reduce human errors.  This is why they often turn to dependable outsourced partners for document conversion services. Let's delve into the underlying reasons for this strategic choice. Let’s unpack the reasons why.

Human Errors in Document Conversion Are Inevitable — And Costly

We're all familiar with the game of telephone, where every time data changes hands, the likelihood of introducing new errors increases. This same principle holds true for the document conversion process. When dealing with a substantial volume of unstructured physical and digital files that need to be processed and transformed into a more user-friendly format, numerous potential benefits await. However, the looming risk in this process is human error.

Even when conducted by a seasoned professional, human data entry, lacking additional verification layers, carries an error rate of 4%. To put this into perspective, it implies that up to 400 out of every 10,000 human entries may contain inaccuracies, posing the potential to trigger various problems in the workflow.

Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report revealed that 82% of illicit data disclosures were the result of human errors. Meanwhile, the average cost of data breaches from this sort of human error was $9.44M in the United States that year. People make mistakes when scanning data, and the costs can be substantial in the wrong circumstances.

Typical Issues in Document Conversion

Document conversion is a multifaceted process that is susceptible to human error, just like any other task. While businesses often aim to allocate their employees' energies to higher-level responsibilities, it's essential to recognize that document conversion is not a trivial matter that can be delegated to interns.

Errors in document conversion can create time-consuming rework due to:

  • Manual miskeying of data, labels, or metatags
  • Issues with inconsistent or poorly designed naming conventions
  • Processes not being followed by employees with minimal training

Every mistake not only costs the time of the initial work but the additional time when the work has to be done over again.

Reduce Errors & Save Time With an Expert Document Conversion Service Provider

It takes specialized expertise in document scanning, data mapping, and data conversion to save time when converting data from legacy systems. Professional document conversion services from a partner like Scan-Optics make it possible to eliminate unnecessary errors or wasted hours with key advantages including:

  • Plug-and-play expertise: No time lost on training your in-house team! A document conversion specialist has seasoned experts taking care of the whole process.
  • Advanced equipment: Procuring, maintaining, and training on the equipment needed for document conversion can be both expensive and costly. An outsourced partner already has sophisticated equipment in place.

  • Minimal disruptions: Shuffling around internal resources to accommodate document conversion projects creates headaches and creates bottlenecks elsewhere. A partner ensures that employees can stay focused on their primary tasks. 

  • Faster deployment: It takes longer to deploy a full-scale document conversion project when everything is in-house and other priorities are competing for your team’s attention.

There’s simply no reason to rely on in-house resources, stretching your time thin and risking errors in a distracting internal process. Scan-Optics is an experienced leader in digital transformation with the resources and expertise you need to digitize and convert your records with maximum precision and efficiency. We digitally transform over 4,000,000 documents every day with 99.9% accuracy. Get in touch today to learn more about our document conversion services and how we can help you put hours back in your day.